get: tags: - public - comments - get summary: Get list of comments of selected Point operationId: getPublicComments description: | List of comment includes two parts: - `size` comments with parentCommentId == 0 - all replies (comments with parentCommentId values within first list) parameters: - in: query name: pointId required: true schema: type: integer description: The Point ID - $ref: '../parameters/QuerySize.yaml' - $ref: '../parameters/Offset.yaml' responses: 200: description: A list of comments content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '../schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: totalResults: type: number description: Number of comments excepting DELMOD, DELME status comments: type: array items: $ref: '../schemas/Comment.yaml' 400: $ref: '../responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: '../responses/ServerError.yaml'