post: tags: - public - search - post summary: Post search query and get Address and Points info operationId: postPublicSearch requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: query: type: string description: Search phrase example: 'Таганская' size: type: integer description: Number of Points to return default: 3 required: [query] responses: 200: description: Searching is successful content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '../schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: addresses: type: array items: $ref: '../schemas/Address.yaml' points: type: array items: $ref: '../schemas/PointSERP.yaml' 400: $ref: '../responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: '../responses/ServerError.yaml'