allOf: - $ref: './PointShortBase.yaml' - type: object properties: businesHoursState: type: object properties: state: type: string enum: - open - closed - allday description: > Current point state `open` - Point is open now `closed` - Point is closed now `allday` - Point works around the clock nextStateTime: type: string format: date-time description: > Datetime of the next event with timezone: * datetime of opening if current state is `closed`; * datetime of closing if current state is `open`. expired: type: boolean description: flag whether current date is outside of valid periods required: - state description: 'Availability of recycle point relatively to business hours' example: state: open nextStateTime: '2022-12-19T16:39:57+03:00' rating: type: object properties: likes: type: integer description: 'Number of likes' example: 30 dislikes: type: integer description: 'Number of dislikes' example: 30 score: type: number format: float description: | Calculated rating based on likes and dislikes Formula: likes / (likes + dislikes) example: 23.55 numberOfComments: type: integer description: Number of Point's Comments excepting comments in DELME, DELMOD status example: 5