openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 0.21.0 title: RecycleMap API contact: name: API Support url: email: servers: - description: '' url: '' tags: - name: admin description: Private access for administrator - name: auth description: User registration and authorization - name: bulk description: Bulk operations - name: comments description: Operations with comments - name: delete description: Delete operations - name: ecoadvices description: Operations with ecoadvices - name: favorites description: Operations with favorites - name: fixes description: Operations with fixes moderation - name: fractions description: Operations with fractions - name: get description: Get operations - name: headers description: Operations with header buttons - name: moderator description: Private access for moderator - name: operators description: Operations with point operators - name: patch description: Patch operations - name: photos description: Operations with photos - name: points description: Operations with points - name: private description: Private access for authorized user - name: public description: Public access without authorization - name: ratings description: Operations with ratings - name: search description: Operations with search - name: subscriptions description: Operations with subscription - name: tiles description: Operations with tiles - name: users description: Operations with users paths: /public/points: $ref: './paths/PublicPoints.yaml' /public/points/{pointId}: $ref: './paths/PublicPointsId.yaml' /private/points: get: tags: - private - points - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get list of points with short description operationId: getPrivatePoints parameters: - $ref: './parameters/BBox.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/QuerySize.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/Fractions.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/RestrictedPoint.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/BusinessHours.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/Offset.yaml' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyPoints' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyEdits' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyFavorites' responses: 200: description: A list of points content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: totalResults: type: number points: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointShortAuthUser' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' post: tags: - private - points - post summary: Add new Point operationId: postPrivatePoints requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointEditFields' - required: - title - address - geom - fractions - pointDescription - schedule responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /private/points/{pointId}: get: tags: - private - points - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get full information about Point with User related data operationId: getPrivatePointsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/PointId.yaml' responses: 200: description: Full Point information with User related data content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointAuthUser' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' patch: tags: - private - points - patch security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Edit information about Point operationId: patchPrivatePointsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/PointId.yaml' requestBody: required: true description: | use values for clearing fields: - addressDescription, scheduleDescription: "\_REMOVE\_" - validDates, photoset: [ ] content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointEditFields' - properties: operatorId: type: integer description: Edit operator by id or create new operator if is null nullable: true responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: tags: - private - points - delete security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Apply for Point removal by User operationId: deletePrivatePointsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/PointId.yaml' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: reason: type: string description: The User's reason to remove point example: Пункт перевезли в соседний двор photoset: type: array items: type: integer description: Preloaded Photo ID responses: 202: description: Point removal request accepted content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Point removal request accepted 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /public/fractions: $ref: './paths/PublicFractions.yaml' /public/operators: $ref: './paths/PublicOperators.yaml' /public/operators/{operatorId}: $ref: './paths/PublicOperatorsId.yaml' /private/ratings: post: tags: - private - ratings - post security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Add like/dislike to the Point operationId: postPrivateRatings description: New value rewrites previous in database. Neutral status deletes record. requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: pointId: type: integer description: A Point ID to like or dislike reaction: type: string description: Add like, dislike or neutral user's reaction enum: - like - dislike - neutral required: - pointId - reaction example: pointId: 324 reaction: like responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /private/favorites: post: tags: - private - favorites - post security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Add favorite mark to the Point operationId: postPrivateFavorites requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: pointId: type: integer description: A Point ID add to favorite required: [ pointId ] responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /public/search: $ref: './paths/PublicSearch.yaml' /subscriptions: $ref: './paths/Subscriptions.yaml' /auth/sessions: get: tags: - auth - get summary: Request verification code by email operationId: getAuthSessions parameters: - in: query name: email schema: type: string required: true description: User's email to send verification code example: responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/EmptySuccess' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' post: tags: - auth - post summary: 'Post new user session (login)' operationId: postAuthSessions description: Temporarily we can use User's ID as a result. In future versions we should return ID of logged session. requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: byCode: type: boolean description: If `bycode` presents in query, accept { email and verification code } instead of { email and passphrase } username: type: string description: user login passphrase: type: string description: user password example: byCode: False username: '' passphrase: 'sdf3-bg2fd-234d' required: - byCode - username - passphrase - type: object properties: byCode: type: boolean description: If `bycode` presents in query, accept { email and verification code } instead of { email and passphrase } username: type: string description: user login code: type: string description: verification code from email example: byCode: True username: '' code: '2314' required: - byCode - username - code responses: 200: description: Succesfull login content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: bearer: type: string description: JWT token exipiration: type: string format: date-time description: Datetime of JWT expiration. Client should refresh token before this deadline. example: bearer: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI5MjE4ODgzMjI1IiwibmFtZSI6IlNlbSBQbyIsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0.bUUovXQPJSdhCE8HVJaifaSp73BWSHkcKXPadQlzbcI' expiration: '2022-12-19T16:39:57+03:00' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /auth/sessions/current: get: tags: - auth - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] operationId: getAuthSessionsCurrent summary: 'Get information about logged in user' parameters: - in: query name: refresh schema: type: boolean required: false description: Whether the method should return a new token responses: 200: description: Currently logged in user content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' - properties: userId: type: integer description: User ID example: '1024' aor: type: string description: Area of Responsibility geometry in WKT, visible to Moderators only example: 'MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 10 40, 45 40, 30 20)), ((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))' subscription: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ModeratorSubscription' - required: [comments, moderation] - required: [userId, firstName, surname, email, role, subscription] 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: security: - BearerAuth: [ ] tags: - auth - delete summary: Delete current session (logout) operationId: deleteAuthSessionsCurrent responses: 204: description: Session deleted 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /auth/users: post: tags: - auth - post summary: Add new User operationId: postAuthUsers requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: firstName: type: string description: User first name example: 'Пётр' surname: type: string description: User surname example: 'Сидоров' email: type: string description: | User email Cyrillic domain names are not accepted example: '' passphrase: type: string description: User password example: 'gfd-4fr-fgfg' avatar: type: integer description: Photo set id for user's avatar example: 324 news: type: boolean description: Flag indicating that user wants to subscript on the hubspot example: true required: - firstName - email - passphrase responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /auth/users/{userId}: patch: tags: - auth - patch security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Change User's information operationId: patchAuthUsersById parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/UserId' requestBody: required: true description: | use values for clearing fields: - surname: "\_REMOVE\_" - avatar: -1 content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: firstName: type: string description: User first name example: 'Пётр' surname: type: string description: User surname example: 'Сидоров' email: type: string description: User email example: '' passphrase: type: string description: User password example: 'gfd-4fr-fgfg' avatar: type: integer description: Photo set id for user's avatar example: 324 subscription: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ModeratorSubscription' responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: tags: - delete - auth security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Delete User operationId: deleteUserById parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/UserId' responses: 204: description: User deleted 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /public/comments: $ref: './paths/PublicComments.yaml' /private/comments: get: tags: - private - comments - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get list of comments of selected Point operationId: getPrivateComments description: | List of comment includes two parts: - `size` comments with parentCommentId == 0 - all replies (comments with parentCommentId values within first list) parameters: - in: query name: pointId required: true schema: type: integer description: The Point ID - $ref: './parameters/QuerySize.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/Offset.yaml' responses: 200: description: A list of comments content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: totalResults: description: Number of comments excepting DELMOD, DELME status type: number comments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommentAuthUser' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' post: tags: - private - comments - post security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Post new comment to selected Point operationId: postPrivateComments requestBody: description: New comment object required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: pointId: type: integer description: Point ID to add comment to message: type: string description: Text of the comment example: 'This point is one of the best' parentCommentId: type: integer nullable: true description: ID of a parent comment if the comment is a reply example: '12' photoset: type: array items: type: integer description: Preloaded Photo ID required: - pointId - message responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/comments: get: tags: - moderator - comments - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get list of comments of selected Point for Moderator operationId: getModeratorComments description: | List of comment includes two parts: - `size` comments with parentCommentId == 0 - all replies (comments with parentCommentId values within first list) Also each comment includes status field for Moderator parameters: - in: query name: pointId required: true schema: type: integer description: The Point ID - $ref: './parameters/QuerySize.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/Offset.yaml' responses: 200: description: A list of comments with status field content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: totalResults: type: number description: Number of comments excepting DELMOD, DELME status newComments: type: number description: Number of comments with NEW status iCareComments: type: number description: Number of comments with ICARE status comments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommentModerator' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: tags: - moderator - comments - delete security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Delete all Comments of the Point by Moderator operationId: deleteModeratorCommentsByPointId parameters: - in: query name: pointId required: true schema: type: integer description: The Point ID responses: 204: description: Comments deleted 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /private/comments/{commentId}: patch: tags: - private - comments - patch security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Patch Comment operationId: patchPrivateCommentsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/CommentId.yaml' requestBody: description: | Patched Comment object. At least one parameter required. use values for clearing fields: - photoset: [ ] required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string description: New text of the comment example: 'This point is one of the best' photoset: type: array items: type: integer description: Preloaded Photo ID minProperties: 1 responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: tags: - private - comments - delete security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Delete Comment operationId: deletePrivateCommentsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/CommentId.yaml' responses: 204: description: Comment deleted 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /private/photos: post: tags: - private - photos - post security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Post new photo. Returns PhotoId. operationId: postPrivatePhotos requestBody: description: Binary photo content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: filename: type: string format: binary responses: 200: description: Succesfully posted photo content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: photoId: type: integer example: 12 path: type: string example: 881b7_20221212-174634.jpeg 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /public/ecoadvices/random: $ref: './paths/PublicEcoadvicesRandom.yaml' /public/ecoadvices: $ref: './paths/PublicEcoadvices.yaml' /admin/ecoadvices: post: tags: - admin - ecoadvices - post security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Post new ecoadvice operationId: postAdminEcoadvices requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: advice: type: string required: [advice] example: advice: 'Используйте заварочный чайник вместо одноразовых пакетиков.' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' '400': $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' '5XX': $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /admin/ecoadvices/{adviceId}: put: tags: - admin - ecoadvices - put security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Edit ecoadvice operationId: putAdminEcoadvicesById description: | Don't forget! The HTTP PUT request method creates a new resource or replaces a representation of the target resource with the request payload. Please see for details. parameters: - in: path name: adviceId required: true schema: type: integer example: 3 description: The Ecoadvice ID requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: advice: type: string required: [advice] example: advice: 'Используйте заварочный чайник вместо одноразовых пакетиков.' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' '400': $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' '5XX': $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: tags: - admin - ecoadvices - delete security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Delete Ecoadvice operationId: deleteAdminEcoadvicesById parameters: - in: path name: adviceId required: true schema: type: integer description: The Ecoadvice ID responses: '204': description: Ecoadvice deleted '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' '404': $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' '5XX': $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/comments/{commentId}: patch: tags: - moderator - comments - patch security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Patch Comment operationId: patchModeratorCommentsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/CommentId.yaml' requestBody: description: New Comment status. required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: statusSlug: type: string description: New status of the Comment enum: - NEW - ICARE - NULL example: 'ICARE' responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: tags: - moderator - comments - delete security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Delete Comment by Moderator operationId: deleteModeratorCommentsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/CommentId.yaml' - in: query name: mode schema: type: string enum: - single - child default: single required: false description: Mode of deleting comment(s) - 'child' will delete also replies responses: 204: description: Comment deleted 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/points: get: tags: - moderator - points - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get list of points with short description with Moderator's fields operationId: getModeratorPoints parameters: - $ref: './parameters/BBox.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/QuerySize.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/Fractions.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/RestrictedPoint.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/BusinessHours.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/Offset.yaml' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyPoints' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyEdits' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyFavorites' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyAoR' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/NeedModeration' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/DisabledPoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/NewComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ICare' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MissModerator' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/SortBy' responses: 200: description: A list of points with Moderator's fields content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: totalResults: type: number points: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointShortModerator' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' post: tags: - moderator - points - post summary: Add new Point by Moderator operationId: postModeratorPoints requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointEditFields' - required: - title - address - fractions - pointDescription - schedule responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/points/{pointId}: get: tags: - moderator - points - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get full information about Point with Moderator related data operationId: getModeratorPointsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/PointId.yaml' responses: 200: description: Full Point information with Moderator related data content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointModerator' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' patch: tags: - moderator - points - patch security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Edit information about Point operationId: patchModeratorPointsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/PointId.yaml' requestBody: required: true description: | use values for clearing fields: - addressDescription, scheduleDescription: "\_REMOVE\_" - validDates, photoset: [ ] content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointEditFields' - properties: enable: type: boolean description: flag to manually activate point if it was disabled example: true operatorId: type: integer description: Edit operator by id or create new operator if is null nullable: true responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: tags: - moderator - points - delete security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Apply for Point removal by User operationId: deleteModeratorPointsById parameters: - $ref: './parameters/PointId.yaml' responses: 202: description: Point removal request accepted content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Point removal request accepted 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/operators: post: tags: - moderator - operators - post security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Post new point operator operationId: postModeratorOperators requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/OperatorIn.yaml' - required: [title] responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' '400': $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' '5XX': $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/operators/{operatorId}: parameters: - $ref: './parameters/OperatorId.yaml' patch: tags: - moderator - operators - patch security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Edit operator fields operationId: patchModeratorOperators requestBody: required: true description: | use for remove: - address: "\_REMOVE\_" - sites, phones, emails: [] content: application/json: schema: $ref: './schemas/OperatorIn.yaml' responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' '400': $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' '404': $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' '5XX': $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/points/bulk: get: tags: - moderator - points - bulk - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get points data in csv according to filters operationId: getModeratorPointsBulk parameters: - $ref: './parameters/BBox.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/Fractions.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/RestrictedPoint.yaml' - $ref: './parameters/BusinessHours.yaml' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyPoints' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyEdits' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyFavorites' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MyAoR' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/NeedModeration' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/DisabledPoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/NewComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/ICare' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MissModerator' responses: 200: description: CSV file with points (description with example) content: text/csv: schema: type: string 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' post: tags: - moderator - points - bulk - post security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Edit points via bulk upload operationId: postModeratorPointsBulk requestBody: required: true description: Upload CSV file (description with example) content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: filename: type: string format: binary responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' '400': $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '5XX': $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/operators/bulk: get: tags: - moderator - operators - bulk - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get operators data in csv operationId: getModeratorOperatorsBulk responses: 200: description: CSV file with operators (description) content: text/csv: schema: type: string 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /moderator/fixes: get: tags: - moderator - fixes - get security: - BearerAuth: [] summary: Get list of fixes for Point operationId: getModeratorFixesByPointId parameters: - in: query name: pointId required: true schema: type: integer description: The Point ID responses: 200: description: A list of fixes content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: description: Update information for Point type: array items: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FixAdd' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FixEdit' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FixDelete' /moderator/fixes/{fixId}: patch: tags: - moderator - fixes - patch security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Manage Fixes by Moderator operationId: patchModeratorFixesById parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/FixId' requestBody: description: | Fix management commands use values for clearing fields in yesBut: - addressDescription, scheduleDescription: "\_REMOVE\_" - validDates, photoset: [ ] required: true content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FixManagementSimple' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FixManagementAdd' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FixManagementEdit' responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /public/headers: get: tags: - public - headers - get summary: Get list of dynamic buttons operationId: getHeader responses: 200: description: A list of buttons content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HeadButton' /admin/users: get: tags: - admin - users - get - search security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Search users by Admin operationId: searchUsersByAdmin parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/Email' responses: 200: description: User's data content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: array maxItems: 1 items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' - properties: userId: type: integer description: User ID example: '1024' - required: [userId, firstName, surname, email, role] 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /admin/users/{userId}: get: tags: - admin - users - get security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Get user info by Admin operationId: getUserByAdmin parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/UserId' responses: 200: description: Requested user info content: application/json: schema: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' - properties: userId: type: integer description: User ID example: '1024' aor: type: string description: Area of Responsibility geometry in WKT, visible to Moderators only example: 'MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 10 40, 45 40, 30 20)), ((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))' subscription: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ModeratorSubscription' - required: [ comments, moderation ] - required: [ userId, firstName, surname, email, role, subscription ] 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' patch: tags: - admin - users - patch security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Change User's information by Admin operationId: patchUsersByAdmin parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/UserId' requestBody: required: true description: | use values for clearing fields: - surname, aor: "\_REMOVE\_" - avatar: -1 content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: firstName: type: string description: User first name example: 'Пётр' surname: type: string description: User surname example: 'Сидоров' email: type: string description: User email example: '' passphrase: type: string description: User password example: 'gfd-4fr-fgfg' avatar: type: integer description: Photo set id for user's avatar example: 324 role: type: string enum: - user - moderator description: User's role example: 'moderator' subscription: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ModeratorSubscription' aor: type: string description: Area of Responsibility geometry in WKT, visible to Moderators only example: 'MULTIPOLYGON (((30 20, 10 40, 45 40, 30 20)), ((15 5, 40 10, 10 20, 5 10, 15 5)))' responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' delete: tags: - admin - users - delete security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Delete any User by Admin operationId: deleteUserByAdmin parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/UserId' responses: 204: description: User deleted 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: './responses/AccessDenied.yaml' 404: $ref: './responses/NotFound.yaml' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /private/photoset: post: tags: - post - photos security: - BearerAuth: [ ] summary: Create new photo set with photo ids operationId: postPhotoset requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: photoset: type: array description: Photo ids minLength: 1 items: type: integer format: id description: photo id required: [photoset] responses: 200: $ref: '#/components/responses/ObjectPosted' 400: $ref: './responses/BadRequest.yaml' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 5XX: $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /tiles/get_points/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf: get: tags: - tiles - get summary: Get points in MVT operationId: getTilesPoints description: | Get points in Mapbox Vector Tiles format and filter them by: - fractions - restricted - business hours parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinZ' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinX' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinY' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinBusinessHours' - $ref: './parameters/FractionIds.yaml' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinUserId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinRestrictedPoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMyComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMyPoints' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMyEdits' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMyAoR' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinNeedModeration' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinDisabledPoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinNewComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinICare' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMissModerator' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinNoCache' responses: '200': description: Points in MVT format content: application/protobuf: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MVTPoint' '5XX': $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' /tiles/get_hexaclusters/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf: get: tags: - tiles - get summary: Get points in MVT operationId: getTilesHexaclusters description: | Get cluster points in Mapbox Vector Tiles formt and filter them by: - fractions - restricted - business hours parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinZ' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinX' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinY' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinBusinessHours' - $ref: './parameters/FractionIds.yaml' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinUserId' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinRestrictedPoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMyComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMyPoints' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMyEdits' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMyAoR' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinNeedModeration' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinDisabledPoint' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinNewComments' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinICare' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinMissModerator' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/MartinNoCache' responses: '200': description: Points clusters in MVT format content: application/protobuf: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MVTPointsCluster' '5XX': $ref: './responses/ServerError.yaml' components: schemas: # Response schemas PostedObjectId: type: object allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: data: type: integer description: ID of the new posted object example: '32' ClientUnauthorizedMessage: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' - type: object properties: errors: type: object properties: message: type: string description: Human readable error message example: isSuccess: false errors: message: "User's password has expired" # Base objects Reaction: type: string description: Like or dislike user's reaction enum: - like - dislike PointEditFields: type: object properties: title: type: string maxLength: 1000 minLength: 1 description: Point title example: 'Пункт приёма батареек' restricted: type: boolean description: Point restricted access example: 'false' geom: type: string description: Point geometry in WKT example: 'POINT (82.927810142519 55.0289362348260)' precise: type: boolean description: A flag of the presence of exact coordinates address: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 1000 description: Point postal address example: 'Москва, ул. Киевская, 6' addressDescription: type: string maxLength: 5000 description: Point postal address description example: 'Вход под арку' fractions: type: array description: Array of fraction's slugs minItems: 1 maxItems: 13 uniqueItems: true items: type: string enum: - STEKLO - PLASTIK - BUMAGA - METALL - BYTOVAJA_TEHNIKA - ODEZHDA - TETRA_PAK - OPASNYE_OTHODY - LAMPOCHKI - KRYSHECHKI - BATAREJKI - INOE - SHINY example: '["STEKLO", "PLASTIK"]' validDates: type: array maxItems: 100 description: Point opening dates items: type: object minProperties: 2 maxProperties: 2 properties: validFrom: type: string format: date example: '2022-07-01' description: Should be before validThrough, years 1900-2100 validThrough: type: string format: date example: '2022-07-15' description: Should be after validFrom, years 1900-2100 schedule: $ref: './schemas/Schedule.yaml' scheduleDescription: type: string maxLength: 5000 description: Description of Point's schedule photoset: type: array maxItems: 20 items: type: integer description: Preloaded Photo ID pointDescription: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 5000 format: html description: Description of Point with BIU, bullets, links operator: oneOf: - $ref: './schemas/OperatorIn.yaml' - type: integer description: ID of Point's Operator PointShortAuthUser: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/PointShortPublic.yaml' - type: object properties: iLike: type: boolean description: True if the User liked the Point iDisike: type: boolean description: True if the User disliked the Point myFavorite: type: boolean description: True if the User mark the Point as favorite myPoint: type: boolean description: True if the Point was added by the User myEdits: type: boolean description: True if the Point was edited by the User disabled: type: boolean description: This field can be True if the User has added the Point but moderation is still in progress PointShortModerator: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointShortAuthUser' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointModeratorFields' PointModeratorFields: type: object properties: myAoR: type: boolean description: True if the Point is in Moderator's Area of Responsibility needMod: type: boolean description: True if the Point needs moderation process missMod: type: boolean description: True if the Point misses Moderator disabled: type: boolean description: True if the Point is disabled numberOfNewComments: type: integer description: Number of Point's new Comments example: 2 numberOfICareComments: type: integer description: Number of Point's new Comments example: 2 creator: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' PointAuthUser: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/PointPublic.yaml' - type: object properties: iLike: type: boolean description: True if user liked the Point iDisike: type: boolean description: True if user disliked the Point myFavorite: type: boolean description: True if the Point is User's favorite myPoint: type: boolean description: True if the Point was added by the User myEdits: type: boolean description: True if the Point was edited by the User inProgress: type: string enum: [add, edit, disable] description: This field is not empty only if the User adds/edits/deletes the Point and moderation is in progress disabled: type: boolean description: This field can be True if the User has added the Point but moderation is still in progress PointModerator: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointAuthUser' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointModeratorFields' CommentAuthUser: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/Comment.yaml' - type: object properties: myComment: type: boolean description: The Comment belongs to User, so edit and delete are available CommentModerator: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CommentAuthUser' MVTPointsCluster: description: Properties of cluster of points in Mapbox Vector Tile type: object properties: total: type: number description: number of points in cluster fractions: type: string example: '{1,2,6}' description: comma separated string of fractions in cluster pointId: type: number description: Id of Point if it is the only one in the cluster required: - total - fractions MVTPoint: description: Properties of single point in Mapbox Vector Tile type: object properties: id: type: number description: Id of Point title: type: string description: Point Title example: 'Пункт приёма батареек' fractions: type: string example: '{1,2,6}' description: comma separated string of fractions in cluster # fixme: duplicated property restricted: type: boolean description: Point is on restricted area example: false inProgress: type: string enum: [ add, edit, disable ] description: This field is not empty only if the User adds/edits/deletes the Point and moderation is in progress disabled: type: boolean description: This field can be True if the User has added the Point but moderation is still in progress myAoR: type: boolean description: True if the Point is in Moderator's Area of Responsibility needMod: type: boolean description: True if the Point needs moderation process missMod: type: boolean description: True if the Point misses Moderator User: type: object allOf: - $ref: './schemas/UserBase.yaml' - properties: email: type: string description: User's email example: '' FieldModerationStatus: description: Statuses of field moderation type: string enum: - new - accepted - rejected example: 'new' FixFieldsSet: type: object description: List of fields in edit Fix properties: title: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' geom: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' restricted: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' fractions: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' addressDescription: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' pointDescription: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' validDates: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' schedule: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' scheduleDescription: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' photos: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' operator: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' operatorTitle: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' operatorSites: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' operatorEmails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' operatorPhones: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FieldModerationStatus' FixAdd: description: Fix of Add type type: object properties: fixId: type: integer description: ID of fix example: 5 timestamp: type: string format: date-time description: Datetime of fix fixman: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' operation: type: string description: Must be 'add' enum: - add example: 'add' moderation: type: string description: Moderation state enum: - progress example: 'progress' FixEdit: description: Fix of Edit type type: object properties: fixId: type: integer description: ID of fix example: 5 timestamp: type: string format: date-time description: Datetime of fix fixman: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' operation: type: string description: Must be 'edit' enum: - edit example: 'edit' moderation: type: string description: Moderation state enum: - progress example: 'progress' rawData: allOf: - $ref: './schemas/PointShortBase.yaml' - $ref: './schemas/PointExtraFields.yaml' fieldsStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FixFieldsSet' FixDelete: description: Fix of Add type type: object properties: fixId: type: integer description: ID of fix example: 5 timestamp: type: string format: date-time description: Datetime of fix fixman: $ref: '#/components/schemas/User' operation: type: string description: Must be 'add' enum: - add example: 'add' moderation: type: string description: Moderation state enum: - progress example: 'progress' photos: type: array items: $ref: './schemas/Photo.yaml' reason: type: string description: deactivation reason of the user FixManagementSimple: description: Fix accept or reject with reason type: object properties: moderation: type: string enum: - done - reject reason: type: string description: Rejection reason required: - moderation FixManagementAdd: description: Fix accept for new Point type: object properties: moderation: type: string enum: - done yesBut: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointEditFields' FixManagementEdit: description: Fix management of individual fields type: object properties: coPerField: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FixFieldsSet' yesBut: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PointEditFields' HeadButton: description: Header button data type: object properties: order: type: integer description: Order number of button in header row example: 1 title: type: string description: Inner text of button example: 'Поддержите нас' linkType: type: string description: | Where to open link: - iframe: over the app in iframe, needs full iframe code, see example; - thistab: open link in the same browser tab where app is; - newtab: open link in a new browser tab. enum: - iframe - thistab - newtab content: type: string description: Depends on `linkType`. Can be relative url, absolute url of iframe tag. example: '' UserSubscription: description: User's subscription info type: object properties: moderation: type: boolean description: Subscription on point edits and moderation stages example: true comments: type: boolean description: Subscription on comment reply example: false ModeratorSubscription: allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/UserSubscription" - type: object properties: aor: type: boolean description: Subscription on points in area of responsibility responses: EmptySuccess: description: Succesfull response without data content: application/json: schema: $ref: './schemas/SuccessFlag.yaml' ObjectPosted: description: Succesfull response with ID of posted object content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostedObjectId' Unauthorized: description: Authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientUnauthorizedMessage' parameters: MartinZ: in: path name: z required: true schema: type: integer example: 12 description: zoom level MartinY: in: path name: y required: true schema: type: integer example: 1358 description: tile position on y-axis level MartinX: in: path name: x required: true schema: type: integer example: 2494 description: tile position on x-axis level FixId: in: path name: fixId required: true schema: type: integer description: The Fix ID UserId: in: path name: userId required: true schema: type: integer description: User ID example: 12 MartinUserId: in: query name: user_id required: true schema: type: integer description: User ID example: 12 MartinNoCache: in: query name: nocache required: false schema: type: boolean description: Whether to get cached tiles when possible (false) or bypass cache (true) example: false Email: in: query name: email schema: type: string format: email required: true description: User email MyPoints: in: query name: mypoints schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points added by me MartinMyPoints: in: query name: mypoints schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points added by UserId for martin MyComments: in: query name: mycomments schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points with my comments MartinMyComments: in: query name: mycomments schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points with UserId comments for martin MyEdits: in: query name: myedits schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points edited by me MartinMyEdits: in: query name: myedits schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points edited by UserId for martin MyFavorites: in: query name: myfavorites schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points marked as my favorite MyAoR: in: query name: myaor schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points in my Area of Responsibility MartinMyAoR: in: query name: myaor schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points in Area of Responsibility of UserId for martin NeedModeration: in: query name: needmod schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points need moderation MartinNeedModeration: in: query name: needmod schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points need moderation for martin MissModerator: in: query name: missmod schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points without moderator MartinMissModerator: in: query name: missmod schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points without moderator for martin DisabledPoint: in: query name: disabled schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points including disabled ones MartinDisabledPoint: in: query name: disabled schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points including disabled ones for martin ICare: in: query name: icare schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points with comments in iCare status MartinICare: in: query name: icare schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points with new commments for martin NewComments: in: query name: newcomments schema: type: boolean required: false description: Points with new commments MartinNewComments: in: query name: newcomments schema: type: boolean required: true description: Points with new commments for martin MartinBusinessHours: in: query name: open schema: type: string enum: - now - allday - any required: true description: Business hours filter for martin MartinRestrictedPoint: in: query name: restricted schema: type: boolean required: true example: false description: Points on restricted (`true`) or unrestricted (`false`) area for martin SortBy: in: query name: sortby schema: type: string default: rating enum: - rating - utime_asc - utime_desc required: false description: | Mode for sorting points - rating: sort by rating (descending) - utime_asc: sort by update time (ascending) - utime_desc: sort by update time (descending) securitySchemes: BearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT